Nathan McWilliams finished his six-year term with the Wildcat Foundation Board of Directors in July, a term that included service as the Foundation’s 12th president.
McWilliams’ tenure as board president took place from 2021 to 2023. He finished his last year of board service as the treasurer.
McWilliams and his wife, Jess, moved to Mechanicsburg in 2007, specifically to be part of the Mechanicsburg Area School District and to raise their children, Delaney and Ava, in the community. He said he strongly believes it is important to be a positive and active participant in the community in which one lives. He previously volunteered in the district, participating on the Shepherdstown and Upper Allen PTOs, and more recently served on the School Board of Directors. McWilliams is also active with Operation Wildcat.
Nathan is a mortgage initiator with Fairway Independent Mortgage; he previously worked as the Director of Trauma Registry for Health Information Alliance and was adjunct faculty in Health Information Management for the Pennsylvania College of Technology. He is a 1998 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and a 2008 graduate of Penn State University-Harrisburg.
How would you describe the Foundation’s impact on the MASD community?
How do you measure the impact on a person when that person develops a new skill, makes new friends, develops confidence or empathy or courage? You can’t, but you know it’s a good thing.
That is the Foundation to the MASD community, the impact can not really be measured, but it is a good thing. It does not take a big idea or big money to impact a life. The Foundation takes simple ideas and gives that idea a little financial support.
If you see a kid riding a bike, or swimming or reading, the Foundation may have enabled that to occur. If you hear a student talking about a trip, or excited about a new project they are involved with, the Foundation may have provided support.
How did serving on the Foundation board impact you personally?
It was incredibly inspiring. To be part of a board full of intelligent and passionate people created tremendous growth in me. Participating in the board enabled me to develop some new leadership skills as well new friendships.
What are some highlights from your board service?
There is no greater joy than to give, except the joy of seeing the benefits of that giving. To hear the gratitude, the joy, the excitement, or the personal story of a teacher or student who has benefited from a grant provided by the Foundation is tremendous.
Knowing that I have been part of something that has a positive impact on our community now and in the future has been the greatest highlight.